"Thyroid Ablation in Milan: The Beginning of a Journey"

I recently had the privilege of improving my knowledge of thyroid ablation at the prestigious Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiological Society of Europe (CIRSE). The experience was truly transformative, providing insights into cutting-edge techniques and advancements not yet available in South Africa.

In addition to being renowned for its art, fashion, and medical education, Milan provided the ideal backdrop for the training. Global experts led sessions on thyroid ablation, covering the latest technologies and methodologies.

The immersive nature of the training, coupled with hands-on sessions, and collaborative discussions, has undoubtedly enhanced my expertise. This newfound knowledge will undoubtedly contribute to providing enhanced care to patients experiencing thyroid-related problems in my practice.

Stay tuned for more insights and updates on exciting developments in thyroid ablation. I look forward to integrating this cutting-edge training into my practice.


The Thyroid-Hair Connection: Understanding the Hormonal Dance Party